Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft’

Microsoft unveils 12 Milestone Moments of 2012

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Microsoft has produced a video showing what the 12 milestone moments for the company in 2012.

Some of the highlights include Windows 8 and MS Office.

Watch the full video below:

Windows 8 key to Microsoft’s future

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, in a presentation in Anaheim, has told analysts Windows is still the core financial foundation of its business, despite growing concerns that slow personal computer sales are effecting the technology giant.

You can read more over at

Facebook overtakes Microsoft in UK, Google still on top

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Whilst Google is still the most popular website in the UK, Facebook is now in 2nd place, overtaking Microsoft related websites (MSN/WindowsLive/Bing).

A report from online measurement body UKOM/Nielsen has found, for the month of May,

  • Facebook attracted 26.8 million visitors
  • Microsoft wasn’t too far behind, on 26.2 million visitors
  • Google was the clear leader however, with 33.9 million visitors
  • Twitter had 6.1 million visitors
  • While LinkedIn had 3.6 million visitors

You can read more over at

One in 14 downloads malicious, warns Microsoft

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

A warning from Microsoft, hackers are starting to trick people into downloading viruses, rather than installing them on your PC without you noticing.

Feedback from the Internet Explorer (IE) web browser has shown that 1 out of every 14 programs downloaded contain malicious code.

Our top two tips,

Only download content from trusted sources


Keep your browser up to date!

You can read more over at the nzherald

Microsoft treads into privacy mindfield

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Microsoft has bravely decided to go where Google and Facebook have tread before….

Microsoft’s social networking site also searches other websites including Twitter and Facebook for users’ information, thereby increasing the amount of potentially private information which is available about a user.

It has been careful to blog, however, that “For non-fan pages, we only surface popular shared links from Facebook users in the aggregate form, and only from users who have set their status updates to be shared with ‘everyone.’ No names or photos, or even the text in the update associated with the link are published — just the link in aggregate.”

To see the full article, click here.